Vote YES
I approve a special sales and use tax in the amount of one percent to be imposed in Lancaster County for not more than fifteen (15) years, or until a total of $405,000,000 in resulting revenue has been collected, whichever occurs first. The sales tax proceeds will be used to finance the costs of Highway 521 and Henry Harris Road widenings, highways, roads, streets, bridges, greenways, pedestrian and bike paths, sidewalk improvements, and other transportation-related projects facilities, including but not limited to drainage facilities relating to the highways, roads, streets, bridges, greenways, pedestrian and bike paths, sidewalk improvements and other transportation-related projects throughout the County.
Vote YES
I approve the issuance of not exceeding $250,000,000 of general obligation bonds of Lancaster County, payable from the special sales and use tax described in Question 1 above, maturing over a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years, to fund at least $60,000,000 for the Widening of Highway 521 and to fund other Projects described in Question 1 above.